Thursday, August 16, 2007

Webcast Review: Testing the Most Critical Part of Your Application

In this webcast, Microsoft MVP and frequent MSDN Webcast presenter Jim Wilson provides an overview and a demonstration of the Local Server Framework. The Local Server Framework, also known as FakeServer, is a new tool included with the Windows Mobile 6 SDK. The Local Server Framework provides both a native dll and a managed wrapper for setting up a testing server which runs directly on a Windows Mobile device.

Running a test server on a Windows Mobile device provides greater control over an application's test environment by removing network setup and maintenance from the equation. When building mobile applications, often times the server component is being developed in parallel with the client. Using the Local Server Framework for testing, therefore, is a great way to cut down on the impact of client and server modifications. Jim mentions how blame for miscommunication when versions are out of sync is usually placed on the client because it is the application that exposes the error. For this and other reasons, he believes that a mobile client should not trust server data unconditionally and that the application should validate transmitted data just like user-entered data. By using the Local Server Framework, developers can modify the FakeServer to see how their mobile applications respond to these and other spurious inputs.

From an information perspective, this is a great resource on the Local Server Framework, a tool which has not seen nearly any publicity since the release of Windows Mobile 6. This webcast shares the necessary information needed to get started using the Local Server Framework making it very effective.

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